Anatomy & Physiology of Birth

Anatomy & Physiology of Birth


Join us for Anatomy & Physiology of Birth, a class designed to empower pregnant families with a clear understanding of how the body works during labor and birth. In this informative session, we’ll explore the natural processes that guide your body through each stage of labor, from early contractions to delivery.

Led by Certified Birth Doula and Certified Birth Educator, Willow Huisman, this class will give you insight into the incredible coordination between muscles, hormones, and the baby’s movements. You’ll leave with a deeper appreciation for your body’s ability to birth, helping you feel more confident and connected as you prepare for the big day.

This class will be held at The Enrichment Garden Therapy Center, 1138 N 3rd St, Bismarck, ND and will run from 7-9 PM CT. Click the Register button below to sign up for this individual class, or click here to sign up for the entire 6-week series.

Creating Your Birth Plan

Creating Your Birth Plan

Preparing For Breastfeeding Success

Preparing For Breastfeeding Success

Labor Positions & Comfort Measures

Labor Positions & Comfort Measures

Navigating the Immediate Postpartum

Navigating the Immediate Postpartum

Parenting Your Newborn

Parenting Your Newborn
