Preparing For Breastfeeding Success

Preparing For Breastfeeding Success


Join us for Preparing For Breastfeeding Success, a class designed to empower pregnant families with the knowledge and tools to confidently begin their breastfeeding journey. In this supportive and informative session, we’ll cover the basics of breastfeeding, from proper latch techniques and positioning to understanding milk supply and overcoming common challenges.

Led by Certified Birth Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor, Regina Gingerich Martin, you’ll learn practical tips to set yourself up for success in the early days, including your first latch, how to recognize hunger cues, and navigating any initial hurdles. We’ll also discuss how partners can support and nurture the breastfeeding process, making it a positive experience for both baby and parents.

Whether you’re planning to breastfeed exclusively or combine feeding methods, this class provides a warm, encouraging space to ask questions and gain the confidence to start your breastfeeding journey with ease.

This class will be held at The Enrichment Garden Therapy Center, 1138 N 3rd St, Bismarck, ND on October 29th and will run from 7-9 PM CT. Click the Register button below to sign up for this individual class, or click here to sign up for the entire 6-week series.

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